Medicine in ancient Egypt | Medical practice, Magic and religion, Medical Profession
Medicine in ancient Egypt

Medicine in ancient Egypt | The Art of Healing in ancient Egypt | Medical practice, Magic and religion

Medicine in ancient Egypt and the medical practices come from medical papyri such as the Ebers papyrus, and the Edwin Smith Papyrus. Besides, the Hearst Papyrus, the London Medical Papyrus, and the tomb’s inscriptions and temple designs such as the Kom Ombo temple surgical instruments.

Homer acknowledged in the Odyssey the following

“In Egypt, men are more skilled in Medicine than any of humankind”.

Also, on the walls of TT17, in the Valley of Nobles, the scribe, and doctor Nebamun from the 18th Dynasty, New Kingdom during the reign of Amenhotep II received a gift from a Syrian prince for his services. Meanwhile, Herodotus mentioned that King Cyrus of Persia has requested Amasis (Ahmose II of the 26th dynasty) to send him the most skillful of all the Egyptian eye doctors.

Per Ankh (House of life)

The oldest central institution in Kemet (Ancient Egypt). In other words, the oldest university in the world where people studied art, medicine, philosophy, and science.  Doctors and mostly they were priests or scribes had to study few years in the Per Ankh to be a general doctor. This means each one treats one disease such as Otolaryngologist, Pediatrics, Dentist, and General internist. Overall and the most professional doctors were the doctor-healers and those who had to study for more years and practice more during their lifetime.

Diseases in ancient Egyptian civilization

Ancient Egyptians were not like the Sumerians and Babylonians saw the disease as a divine punishment. They saw death as the beginning of another everlasting life in the Duat so, they did their best to have two good life. They created a way to diagnose diseases and a way to treat them.

What was the primary belief system surrounding the treatment of illness and disease?

Ancient Egyptians viewed illness and disease as a punishment from the gods or as a result of evil spirits. They believed that the gods were the ones who made people sick and that only the gods could make them well again. To this end, they developed a sophisticated medical system to treat their sick.

This system included both physical and magical treatments. Physical treatments included a variety of medicinal treatments, such as herbs, drugs, and ointments. Magical treatments included spells, incantations, and the use of amulets such as Scarab, Key of Life, and Eye of Horus. Also, they believed in the power of prayer and offerings to their gods.

What techniques were used to diagnose diseases in Ancient Egypt?


  1. First the priest(doctor) had to ask the patient in detail about what he felt to figure out his disease if its physical or spiritual disease.
  2.  The examination of the eyesight and organs related to the disease
  3. Feel the body sweat and breath
  4. If it’s a physical disease, they advise some training and massage
  5. In case of Spiritual problems, they describe medical herbs and Oils, Crystals, or some exercises

What medicine techniques did the Egyptians use?

The ancient Egyptians developed sophisticated methods of diagnosing diseases that combined the supernatural with the natural. They used a variety of techniques including an examination of the patient’s pulse and breathing, and an examination of the patient’s eyes and skin.

In addition, they also used a system of divination to make medical predictions and diagnoses, which involved the use of symbols and incantations. Furthermore, the ancient Egyptians wrote in the Edwin Smith Papyrus, which is one of the oldest documents that details methods for diagnosing and treating injuries and illnesses.

This papyrus contains a detailed list of case studies, which includes information on examination techniques, diagnosis, prognosis, and recommended treatment. This is a testament to the advanced medical knowledge of the ancient Egyptians, and further highlights their profound understanding of the human body.

What role did magic play medicine in ancient Egypt?

In ancient Egypt, magic and medicine were closely intertwined. Many of the treatments used by ancient Egyptian doctors were considered to have magical properties, and many of the incantations and spells used by ancient Egyptian magicians were believed to have medicinal benefits.

For example, many of the incantations used by ancient Egyptian magicians were believed to have the power to protect people from disease, heal wounds, and drive away evil spirits. Additionally, many of the charms and amulets were worn by ancient Egyptians were thought to have healing powers.

Another example, many of the remedies used by ancient Egyptian doctors were based on religious or magical beliefs. For example, many of the herbs and minerals used in ancient Egyptian medicine were believed to have powerful supernatural properties, and many of the remedies were thought to be effective only when they were used in conjunction with religious rituals or spells.

What medicine in ancient Egypt were used to prevent and cure infections?

In ancient Egypt, a variety of treatments were used to prevent and cure infections. Some of the most common methods used by ancient Egyptian doctors to prevent and cure infections included:

Herbal Medicines

Many of the medicines used by ancient Egyptian doctors were based on herbs and plants. Many of these herbs were believed to have powerful anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Some examples of herbs used include myrrh, frankincense, and mandrake.

Poultices and ointments

Ancient Egyptian doctors used poultices and ointments made from various herbs, minerals, and animal products to treat wounds and infections. Some examples of ingredients used in these remedies include honey, which was believed to have antibacterial properties, and fat from various animals, which was used to make ointments.

Incantations and spells

Many of the incantations and spells used by ancient Egyptian magicians were believed to have medicinal benefits. These incantations and spells were often used to drive away evil spirits, which were believed to be responsible for many illnesses.


Many of the amulets and charms are worn by ancient Egyptians were thought to have healing powers. These amulets and charms were often made from materials such as gold, silver, and various precious stones.


Ancient Egyptian doctors were also skilled in performing surgical procedures. They used tools such as knives, forceps, and needles to remove tumors, cysts, and other growths such as the tools in the Kom Ombo temple. They also used surgical techniques to remove foreign objects, such as arrows, that had become lodged in the body.

Examples of some surgeries from ancient Egyptian civilization


Egyptians like some more nations of that time such as Assyrians, Kushites, and Ethiopians practiced circumcision as a kind of healthcare

Female Mutilation

Concerning females, Strabo, the Greek historian, confirms that Egyptians had female genital mutilation but no evidence for his words.

Orthopedic surgery

The treatment of dislocation of the joints by connecting them to each other


Burn surgery was treated with honey, oils, fats, and ligaments

What methods of surgery were used in Ancient Egypt?

Ancient Egyptian surgeons used a variety of methods and techniques to perform surgical procedures. Some of the most common methods used included:

Incision and drainage

Ancient Egyptian surgeons used sharp knives and other cutting tools to make incisions in the skin. They would then use forceps and other instruments to remove foreign objects or to drain abscesses and other collections of pus. They would then use sutures or bandages to close the wound.

Amputation as Medicine in ancient Egypt

Surgeons also used amputation as a surgical procedure. They would remove a limb or other body part that was damaged or infected. Some examples were found in the tombs of the Pyramids builders in the Giza Plateau. They would then seal the wound with sutures or bandages.

Trepanation as Medicine in ancient Egypt

Trepanation is the procedure in which they drilled or scraped a hole in the skull. This procedure was often used to relieve pressure on the brain or to remove skull fractures.

Dental surgery

They also performed dental surgery such as tooth extraction and the replacement of missing teeth with artificial ones.

Embalming as Medicine in ancient Egypt

Egyptians were skilled in embalming, the process of preserving the body for the afterlife. They would remove the internal organs, clean the body and then wrap it in linen bandages.

What were the primary tools used for surgery and dentistry?

Ancient Egyptian surgeons and dentists used a variety of tools to perform surgical and dental procedures. Some of the most common surgical tools according to the Kom Ombo temple list include

Knives and scalpels

These were used to make incisions in the skin and to remove foreign objects. The knives were made from various materials such as copper, bronze, and iron, and some of them were quite sharp and could be used for more delicate procedures.

Forceps and tweezers

they were used to grasp and remove foreign objects or to hold tissue during surgical procedures. The forceps were made of metal and were used to grip firmly.

Probes and needles

These were used to explore wounds and to sew up incisions. Probes were thin metal rods with a pointed end, while needles were made of metal or bone, and were used to sew up incisions with thread or linen.

Drills and chisels

The above tools were used to perform procedures such as trepanation, and dental procedures such as tooth extraction. The drills were made of flint or metal and were used to bore holes into the skull or teeth. Chisels were used to shape and remove hard tissue.


These were used to remove plaque and tartar from teeth. They were made of metal, usually copper, and had a small curved blade.

Cupping vessels, Sponges, balance, bowel or mortar, hooks, and Psalis are among the surgical instruments used by the ancient Egyptians.

What were the most commonly used herbs for medicinal purposes?

Ancient Egyptians had a wide variety of herbs and plants that they used for medicinal purposes. Some of the most commonly used herbs in ancient Egypt included


Myrrh was used as an antiseptic and an anti-inflammatory. It was believed to have the power to heal wounds and was often used in salves and ointments to treat skin conditions.


Frankincense was believed to have powerful antimicrobial properties and was often used to treat infections. It was also used as an expectorant to help clear respiratory infections.


Mandrake was believed to have powerful pain-relieving properties and was often used to treat headaches and other types of pain. It was also believed to have the power to drive away evil spirits and was sometimes used in incantations and spells.


Cumin was believed to have the power to soothe the stomach and was often used to treat digestive problems such as indigestion and diarrhea. It was also believed to have the power to improve the appetite and to help people gain weight.

Castor oil

Castor oil was believed to have the power to relieve pain and inflammation and was often used to treat joint pain and other types of pain. It was also believed to have the power to improve the appearance of the skin and promote hair growth.


Opium was used as a painkiller and as a sedative. It was also used to treat diarrhea and other digestive problems.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera was used to treat burns and other types of skin injuries. It was also believed to have the power to promote healing and reduce scarring.

What role did priests play in the practice of medicine?

In ancient Egypt, priests played a significant role in the practice of medicine. They were considered to be experts in both medicine and magic and were responsible for performing many of the medical and surgical procedures that were used to treat illnesses and injuries. Some of the ways priests were involved in the practice of medicine include:

Healing Temples

Many of the healing temples in ancient Egypt were staffed by priests who were trained in the practice of medicine such as the Dendera temple, Kom Ombo temple, and Philae temple. They would use various treatments such as herbal remedies, incantations, and spells to treat illnesses and injuries. They would also perform surgical procedures to remove tumors and other growths and to treat injuries such as broken bones.

Spiritual Healing

Priests were also considered to be experts as a spiritual healer. They would perform rituals and incantations to drive away evil spirits, which were believed to be responsible for many illnesses and injuries. They would also prescribe amulets to protect people from illness and injury.


Priests were also responsible for diagnosing illnesses and injuries. They would use a combination of observation, examination, and divination to determine the cause of an illness or injury and to prescribe the appropriate treatment.


they were also skilled in embalming, the process of preserving the body for the afterlife. Doctors were responsible for removing the internal organs keeping them in the Canopic Jars, cleaning the body, and then wrapping it in linen bandages. Then, they would also recite incantations and perform rituals to ensure that the deceased’s journey to the afterlife was safe.

Medical Texts

Priests were also responsible for recording and preserving the knowledge of medicine and magic. They would write medical texts that described the symptoms and treatments of various illnesses and injuries, as well as incantations and spells that were used to treat them.

What methods were used to reduce pain during surgery?

In ancient Egypt, there were no specific methods to reduce pain during surgical procedures. Since anesthesia, as we know it today, was not available, patients would likely have experienced pain during surgery. However, ancient Egyptians had some methods that could alleviate pain to some extent


Ancient Egyptians also used hypnosis as a form of anesthesia. They would use various techniques such as chanting and rhythmic drumming to put the patient into a trance-like state where they would be less aware of their surroundings and less likely to feel pain.


they would also use alcohol such as beer or wine as a form of pain relief. They would provide it to the patient before the surgery to reduce their pain and make them less aware of the procedure.


Opium was used as a painkiller and as a sedative. It was believed to have the power to relieve pain and was often administered in the form of a drink or an ointment before surgery.

Incantations and spells

Many of the incantations and spells used by ancient Egyptian magicians were believed to have medicinal benefits. These incantations and spells were often used to drive away evil spirits, which were believed to be responsible for many illnesses. They were also believed to have the power to relieve pain and were often recited before surgery to reduce the patient’s pain.

What were the most common treatments for skin conditions?

In ancient Egypt, a variety of treatments were used to treat skin conditions. Some of the most common methods used by ancient Egyptian doctors to treat skin conditions included

  1. Herbal remedies
  2. Incantations and spells
  3. Amulets
  4. Diet
  5. Bathing

Ancient Egyptians believed that bathing in certain minerals and herbs, such as Nile mud, could help to improve the appearance of the skin and to reduce itching and inflammation.

How did Ancient Egyptians view mental illness?

In ancient Egypt, mental illness was viewed as a condition that was caused by supernatural forces. They believed that mental illness was caused by evil spirits, curses, or the wrath of the gods and that it could only be treated by religious or magical means.

Are there any surviving examples of Ancient Egyptian anatomy and physiology?

Yes, there are surviving examples of ancient Egyptian anatomy and psychiatry that have been discovered through archaeological digs and preserved in museums and other collections around the world. Some examples include:

Medical texts

Many medical texts from ancient Egypt have been preserved in papyri and other materials. These texts contain detailed descriptions of various illnesses and injuries, as well as the treatments that were used to treat them. They also describe surgical procedures and the use of herbal remedies, incantations, and other forms of treatment.


The practice of mummification in ancient Egypt provided a wealth of information about anatomy and pathology. Mummies are well-preserved corpses that have been embalmed and wrapped in linen bandages. They allow modern scientists to study the internal organs and bones, and to learn about diseases and injuries that affected ancient Egyptians.


Many artifacts such as surgical tools, and amulets have been discovered that give insight into ancient Egyptian medical practices. They show the types of instruments and materials that were used in surgeries and other medical procedures.

Temples and tombs

The discovery of temples and tombs have also provided information about ancient Egyptian medicine and psychiatry. They have revealed the role of religion and magic in the treatment of illnesses, and the use of amulets and charms to protect people from illness and injury

Most famous doctors in ancient Egypt

  1. The first known doctor to us till now dates back to 1700BC, Old Kingdom, reign of king Djoser, the wooden panels of Hesy-Ra at the Egyptian Museum. Hesy Ra had the title of Chief of Dentists and Doctors” to King Djoser
  2. The first female doctor known to us is Peseshet in 2400 B.C.E
  3. Another Physician Medunefer  from the Old Kingdom carried the tile leader of the eye physicians of the palace
  4. From Akhenaten Period, Amarna Capital in Al Minya, we have Penthu, Chief of physicians
  5. Saqqara tomb for a doctor called Oar, from the sixth dynasty of Egypt
  6. 26th dynasty tomb in Heliopolis, we found a tomb for a doctor called Psamtik Seneb, chief physician and chief dentist (wr ἰbḥ)
  7.  Very important tomb fat Abu Sir or the Head of Physicians, supervisor of the medical schools – the Houses of life, the prince Udjahorresnet.
  8. The wise scribe & physician from Rameses II Period called Djehuty em heb


Once the ancient Egyptians discovered and created letters and a system of recording their thoughts, ideas, and experiences. We have a lot of medical sources considered some of the oldest in existence. Since 3200 BC when Egypt enjoy the unification between upper and lower Egypt since the Early Dynastic Period, they achieved a lot in medical research.

Physicians and doctors learned their profession at schools called Houses of Life and they were well-trained and had some practical experience. Some of them were normal doctors treating one disease and others were healer doctors and they were the most professional ones.


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