The Catacomb of Kom El Shoqafa Alexandria, Egypt | History, Facts, Descriptions The Catacomb of Kom El Shoqafa Alexandria is one of top tourist attractions and it is considered to be one of the Seven Wonders of the Middle Ages. This Catacomb is the oldest one in the world before the Italian catacombs of Rome.

Anfushi tombs in Alexandria | Facts, History Greco-Roman Cemetery, Entrance Fees, opening hours, and more. Anfushi toms together with Mostafa Kamel tombs are among the most beautiful Ptolemaic tombs in Alexandria Egypt.  The tombs were discovered starting from the year 1901 until 1921 AD. Alexandria was the capital of Egypt during the Greco-Roman era. That’s why

Alexandria, facts, history, location Alexander city has a rich history; not only was Alexandria founded by ‘Alexander the Great but also was one of the leading beacons of Christianity and had one of the biggest Cathedrals at some time.  Alexandria location The city is located in the northern part of Egypt, some 225 km to

The Lighthouse of Alexandria | Location, History, Facts, Destruction The Pharos of Alexandria also called the lighthouse of Alexandria together with the Giza Pyramids were two of the old seven wonders of ancient times. Giza Pyramid still standing while the lighthouse of Alexandria was destroyed. Alexandria itself was one of 17 cities founded by the

Mustafa Kamel Necropolis Alexandria | The Pharaonic Monuments in Alexandria Egypt | Egyptian history during the Greco -Roman era Opening Hours, Tours, Tickets, and Information about Mostafa Kamel Necropolis Alexandria was the capital of Egypt for more than 600 years starting from 323 BC till 300 AD during the Greco-Roman era. So, it is noteworthy